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Sunday 8 February 2015

An effective herbal medication -- Black Walnut Tincture

Black walnut Tincture has been an herbal medication for several years. Its usage dates back to history for treating problems of the intestine, snake bites, wounds, scurvy, ulcers and also the most helpful laxative available, Due to its deep color, the hull is also employed as dye & used to be added in brown color hair- dye till early 1900. Black walnut Tincture is a very effective source of beta carotene, calcium, acids, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, selenium tannin, zinc, etc.

Now, Black walnut hull is used for helping a number of conditions. It is a very gentle laxative. It is also to be quite effective for anti viral problems and it is also used for fixing warts which happen due to viruses. Black walnut hull is anti fungus & it has been employed for fighting herpes, sores, athlete foot as well as Candida.

As per the scientific labs:
Black walnut Tincture is helpful for lowering BP and serum levels of cholesterol and it is also believed for burring toxins and fat of the body.

Tannins of black walnut hull have astringent qualities which are known to contract the sweat-glands & reduce excess sweat. This herb is also known for controlling Menorrhagia, the excess loss in blood at the time of periods.

Buy Green Black Walnut Tincture

It is a very good tonic which helps in digestion as well as intestine system. It also helps in relieving colic, heart burn & flatulence. Black walnut helps in stimulating flow of the bile in the intestine and it is also known to ease out colic & pain in spleen.

The most well talked property of black walnut is its capability for fighting parasites of the intestine. It’s a documented Vermifuge which is very effective in helping the body to get rid of the parasites. Being a laxative, it also expels the parasites as a part of the cleaning of body & high- tannin & jug lone content are thought to oxy-genate blood and kill the parasites. Black Walnut is very effective for ring-worm, pin-worm, tape-worm and other parasites of the intestine.

From the mountain rose herbs- black walnut hull has Juglone which is a chemical which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, fungicide and anti-parasitic. Being a skin-wash, this hull is used for treating ring worm and for yeasting infections of skin. It is taken internally and is used for treating the worms of the intestine.

Black Walnut Hull is safe to be used occasionally for up to two weeks at a stretch but Black Walnut heart wood is not so safe. You should avoid the herbal remedy which has heart wood. Black walnut is a very potent remedy which is used only under care of holistic professional. It should not be used at the time of pregnancy or any kind of illness. 
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